Features & Benefits
• Improvement of pump reliability over traditional bearing materials due to lower wear in abrasive media
• Nongalling and nonseizing properties help avoid unplanned shutdowns due to pump failures caused by excessive vibration or dry-run startup
• Extends lifetime and operation of mechanical seals and pumps due to excellent vibration dampening characteristics
• Lower coefficient of friction aids survival in “off design” pump conditions, such as intermittent dry run, better than traditional materials like cutlass rubber
• Easy to machine and install to exact finished dimensions, reducing pump repair turnaround times and lowering repair costs
• Low hydrolysis or swell makes designing parts easier and helps maintain their physical properties in water applications
• Very good physical properties allow the bearings to receive impact from the shaft or shaft sleeve without breaking or cracking during operation
• Circulating water pumps
• Open and closed cooling water pumps
• River water pumps
• Screen wash pumps
• Sump pumps
Greene, Tweed manufactures AR1 machined components world- wide at our own QRCs (Quick Response Centers), dedicated machine centers, making them readily available in short-lead times. Greene, Tweed’s on-site manufacturing capabilities allow us to produce simple or complex parts to our customers’ specifications. Billet sizes range from diameters of 1 in. to 30 in. (2.5 cm to 76 cm)
with lengths up to 9 in. (22.85 cm) (depending on diameter and wall thickness).
Typical Properties
*For applications outside the suggested temperature range please contact us for further design assistance.
Greene, Tweed AR® Series vs. Traditional Materials
The chart shows percent weight change(loss) per hour of Greene, Tweed’s AR materials compared to traditional materials.
Note: Bearings made from each of the materials (size: 2 in. x 1.5 in. x 1.5 in./ 5.1 cm x 3.8 cm x 3.8 cm) were tested at 900 rpm under 25 psi (0.17 MPa). The run time of the test was eight hours. The test was conducted on 300 series SS shaft, in 95 percent water and 5 percent silica sand. All materials were tested at 70°F (20°C). Additionally, ARHT was tested at 250°F (120°C) in ethylene glycol.